28 August, 2007

Space as defined by people

The experience of space has more to do with the density of activity than it does with the actual physical area of a space. In the Barri Gotic of Barcelona, wide main streets are punctuated with narrow side streets, winding away from the bustle of Carrer de Ferran and Carrer de Portaferrissa.
While these two streets are wide, the feeling of spaciousness is lessened by the number of people on the street. People weave through each other, bump into each other and talk to each other. The street is full. To take a narrow side street, empty of people, provides an immediate emptiness and spaciousness.
The difference is in density. The fact that this density is a dynamic one -- a movement and interaction of people -- is a testament to the temporality of the perception of permanence. Spaces are used and defined as if they could be no other way; but if the movement of people were to change, the perception of a space would change as well.

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