So we all know that our professors like to use analogies to help us better understand the impact or the visualization of what they are trying to say. Usually, this is a quite helpful tactic, until they get so strange or obscure that it makes your jaw drop and squirm in your chair. Well here are some of the metaphors that our studio professor, Juan Carlos uses:
The Pear: This is the torture device that JC used to describe how we should manipulate our site. It was made of four 'leaves' which joined together by a hinge at the top. A screw inserted between the leaves could be turned to slowly separate the four lobes of the 'pear', expanding the orifice into which it had been inserted. The torturer could choose whether to simply distend the cavity (I'll let you use your imagination here), or expand the pear to it's absolute maximum and mutilate the prisoner.
Injection: This was used specifically on our project to show how we need to have many different reactions on our site. Example, if you take 4 rats and injected each of them with differnt things: poison, alcohol, drugs and water; what would you get? well in my opinion you would have quite a few dead rats!
Cutting: what does this do? When you cut yourself you cause blood shed and scaring. So when analyzing the site there are some things you cant remove, the scars. These are things that will remain somehow, they cannot be healed.

And finally
"Honey I Squished the Kids": when trying to describe the how a site should be condensed, he tried to related it to the ever so popular, family favorite, 1989 movie
Honey I (yes...)
Squished the Kids. I know that this was one of my favorites growing up that helped shape who I am. I will always apply this movie to any concept for a site.
So make of these comments as you wish. This will give you a little incite to our studio professor. If you need help translation I recommend using or any other translation site.
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