27 August, 2007

the REAL born identity

strolling through the trendy Born district in the old city, i noticed something strange about its main rambla. one side of the street appeared to be much more commercialized than the other. this secondary side contained older residential buildings, many of them with "for sale" or "rent" signs displayed. i captured this main street with a series of photos that were then put together to make one big picture. after strolling the side streets that feed into the paisseg del born's commercialized side, i hypothesized that it was these filter streets that helped in the development of the one side. the side streets themselves each boasted a life of their own, feeding the paisseg del born further.


Unknown said...

Hi Casey,

Your poster gave me a good picture of some of the thins you all are seeing on a daily basis.

Mama Thomas

Unknown said...
