everything exciting i have done this week everyone else has posted about, but i guess i will sum up the odds and ends of these activities. like a lot of people, i went to the concert on the 11th. we were pretty much front and center. it was crazy to be in the middle of a spanish mosh. the music was fun, even though i didn't understand any of it. afterwards we walked down past the zoo towards the ocean. we found a sweet children's park, even though i think most of the park is probably not best for children. the seesaw-esque swings were a lot of fun. we even ended up revisiting the park after our video mapping. since we were already in born, we had to go to the amazing pizza place en route to the museu de la xocolata. we found the museum while wandering around aimlessly at the festival and decided to go back for a visit. the chocolate sculptures were very impressive and consisted of gaudi's most famous buildings here in barcelona, willy wonka's chocolate factory, and other various random things. the chocolate drink from the cafe there was to die for. however, i would recommend bringing a glass of milk with you. oh also this week, we had access to an oven since danni and hali were apartment-sitting. the other night we made pizzas and cookies. the pizzas were delicious. we discovered that american cookie recipes just don't convert well with the different spanish ingredients. nonetheless it was nice to have a home cooked meal that wasn't cooked on a burner.
(yes everything in the picture is chocolate)
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