17 April, 2008

Architecture in Barcelona is NOT muy vale!!! HA I KID I KID

Dearest blog,

These past few months have truly been a great time. Between the worries of money, grades, and surviving, to maturing a whole hell of alot, to learning about the culture, and architecture, and somewhere fitting in time for fun, its been wild.

There are several things I'm going to miss when I go back to the states
Malik's doner kebabs
Tex-Mex doritos
The beach
Pollo Rico
my roomate Eduardo
Estrella damm
The friends i've made here
Petit Apollo
Things that i won't miss:
Spanish street hecklers
no salad dressings

Whatever happens in the rest of my life I know my 4 months here have been amazing and i will never forget the lessons learned here. Keep in touch everyone.

Wash Owt

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