On Monday, Ryan and I had our final presentation for Arch 412. We were studying Parc del Clot which is one of the more successful community green spaces that have been created in the Barcelona residential areas. The 10 acre site offers vast amounts of program spaces from basketball to a more restful green hill where you can take your dog or even a pet cat on a leash. I have seen one, and there is a lady in my neighborhood who walks her cats. Yeah, it is South Carolina. Anyway, one of the main aspects of the park was the fact that the park acts as a thorough fare for the surrounding community. The architects looked into how people effectively move from one connecting street through the park without being truly delayed or obstructed. This approach really kind of enlightened me on how to work with public exterior circulation. There should be an efficiency in circulation, and there should be a way to cut through an area without having direct interaction with people who are using a space for more leisure or any other purpose outside of just moving through.
Hi maybe you can help me with some info about the park because i havent found it... hope you can help me soon... i'll aprecciate it chabacolascano@hotmail.com
Hello, is it possible to give me some info about the park?
I'm making a paper about Parc del Clot. Thanks a lot!!
(e-mail: glenn.scholiers@hotmail.com)
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