27 August, 2007

Barri Gotic

This is what I did for the first assignment. After taking pictures of the Barri Gotic, moving through the different streets and into the public spaces, I was interested in the parts of the buildings that I could truly identify as 'gothic'; pointed arches, gargoyles, faded stone color and intricate details. Being from an area where cars are the preferred means of transportation, I enjoyed being able to experience public space and walking between those public spaces on roads and walkways that were dominated by pedestrians. I wanted to reiterate my entire experience walking through the Gothic Quarter into a single image. I created a type of perspective view from the point of view at the end of a street. I created a resonant image but I most likely missed out on an attempt to be more analytical and informative about what the Barri Gotic is and how it is composed. Some of the details that I could have pointed out are the types of building elements that make them have a gothic feel, ie the gargoyles, pointed arches and aging parts of the buildings. It also would have helped to identify two or three specific public spaces, such as plazas, streetsides and corners to fully communicate the nature of the Barri Gotic's pedestrian experience, along with the architectural details. That way I could have better given a feel of the mood and nature of walking through the Barri Gotic.

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