funny story...ok not really but I will tell it anyways...
I had seen the WoZoCo building before. I tried the program Autodesk Architecture last semester for a project because I was tired of FormZ and my computer wasn't what it used to be as far as handling a project like that. I had Rhino at the time but I didn't have the time to learn it. I came across Autodesk Architecture while on the Autodesk website and thought I would try it because it was supposed to be just like Autocad only everything was 50 times easier and you could put extremely detailed stuff like wall construction with tthe click of the button. We had a month to work on our project so I figured it would be perfect if I did the 30 day trial...however I miscounted by a day. So time is running out and I am almost done with everything, I just had to get it all done by that last night but someone in my studio told me to just turn back the calendar of my computer and it would all be good. I tried that, the program freaked out and locked up. The files were inaccessible by any other program which was devastating since I was only about 6-7 hours away from being done and my plans and my digital model had been done by the program. So I caution you on which programs you mess with...make sure they can finish what they start and dont be dumb like me and turn back the clock on your computer(unless it is formZ because I think that is the only program that will fall for that)...
but the reason why I bring this up is because when the program opened, the image you saw was of the WoZoCo case study we had on the trip, so when I saw it all those fun memories came back.
In a way it was cool to see that it was an actual designed building but it also kind of makes me not want to do that case study because just looking at it makes me angry...(lol don't worry I will though Professor Hecker)

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