28 April, 2008

Friends until the end Viva - barcelona

Everything is wrapping up. Final boards have been redone and sent, data cards and case studies are coming to an end, final travels are starting to take place, and some are heading home. Sad times… What was once a huge culture shock has made me grow to love this place.
Juan Carlos once asked a group of us if we would live here. I have learned most of the ins and outs that allow you to successfully live in BCN over the past four months. On the contrary my answer still remains no, but I will defiantly come back to visit.
I have been away from the states for some time now and I am ready to enjoy the ol so sweet comforts of home… mom’s cooking, grandma’s cakes, road trips to go visit friends, laughing at ourselves, and the list could go on for miles. However I know I am going to miss BCN too. The long nights in studio, the tourists walking slow in front of you, the random locals on the streets at night trying to sell you cerveza or hashish, Dulce and her Reese’s Cups, new found friends, ping pong in the streets, game/pizza/movie nights, and sharing life experiences just to get the list started…

Barcelona - such a beautiful horizon
Barcelona - like a jewel in the sun
Por ti sere gaviota de tu bella mar
Barcelona - suenan las campamas
Barcelona - abre tus puertas al mundo
If God is willing
-if God is willing
If God is willing
Friends until the end
Viva - barcelona


Unknown said...

Of course Barcelona is a beautiful city. Try to visit Gerona, a medieval old town with a judería and a Jewish Museum. Buses and trains run, can go and be back the same day.

Miguel Caballero said...

Hi casey, you sent a message to me in my blog some time ago and I never answered! Sorry! I'm back to the blogger-world and I hope to read your blog soon, cause I think we are interested in similar things. But I need more time because reading in English is a hard task for me, lol

