09 October, 2007

parc central de nou barris

The other day I explored the park that I picked for Kathrin's class. Maria and I decided to head up to check out our site, not really knowing what was in store. We had picked this without knowing what the park or the neighborhood were like. When arriving at our site, the first thing we noticed were these huge palm leaf looking structures. These seemed to be a theme throughout the park, because there were about 7 sets of them each with about 4 structures. The site was gigantic, about 17 hectares in size. It took a while to walk through the entire park, but we eventually got through it. The best part of the park was the playground that we found with many different things to do. We agreed that it was probably meant for kids a little younger than us, but our temptation was too much. We played on the playground for a good half an hour. My favorite part was the zip line thing. Here is a video of maria going down the zipline.

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