28 September, 2007

...and then we saw the police. illegally.

so right after our return to BCN we remembered that the police were playing at 10 on thursday night at the olympic stadium. no time was wasted that night. we ate, dressed ourselves (some better than others) and made the treck up Montjuic in record time. i seriously think we made it to the top faster than kelly and i on one of our runs. anyway, on the way up we heard sting's voice singing "don't stand so close to me"....so i think that was the fuel.
at the top we peeked and assessed the situation of how to infiltrate the stadium. eventually, we made our way to the back of the stadium which was virtually unpopulated. so we (thanks to danni) scaled the gate using a makeshift metal boost. on the other side, the sketchiness ensued, as painfully apparent in the video. security guards, scaffolding and charlies' angels-esque evasion moves were involved.

moral of the adventure - we snuck into the olympic stadium to see the police. a story for the grandchildren.


Unknown said...

Faces were visible on the film- No calls home from a Spanish jail please!!!!

Mama Thomas

Dannigrl22 said...

that was one of my favorite nights, who knew i was such a rebel... haha