19 February, 2008

Thrasin' up tha BCN!!!

Dear blog,

I bought a skateboard in Barcelona because I figured, hey I'm in BCN mine as well have some fun ride around a lil bit and relax, do as the Catalunyans do....
Well, this was one of the better investments i've made here. It really helps me experience BCN not only on an architectural, educational, and daily life level, but it helps me enjoy BCN from a perspective I haven't seen since I was younger. Skateboarding to class with Eggl and Rush or even without them is a joy. If i'm ever too strung out from data cards or working too much sometimes, I'll just go outside the RESA and thrash or ride down to the beach on a saturday and have a cervesa while listening to my iPod. I might even see Harry running down the beach or other U.S. school mates while I'm out.
It's times like these where I just enjoy living and I know it seems simple and childish, but sometimes those are the best kind of moments to have. I don't really ever want to grow up, I want to be young at heart forever... and thrashing around on my board is a little taste of that, even though I'm no Tony Hawk yet.

P.S. 1.) This was a really deep blog, consider yourselves priviledged
2.) One day I hope to be as good as these guys in the video ;) -Wash out!

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