14 March, 2008

A Midterm Review and A Flight...

So, this past week has been quite stressful. We have been putting together our midterm reviews in a timely manner while juggling our other work of course, but we get things done at a not so timely hour. We got it done though, and we were satisfied with our work. We go to our review, and most of us in the room had to get to flights that afternoon. We had to leave at 2 or there was a fear that we would miss our flight. My group presented at around 1:30. Our major critique was that we were being a bit literal in our approach, which I have to say is accurate. We did get some encouragement that if we moved past the literality, we could have a very successful project. So, all was good and we got some good criticism. We ended up leaving at 2 and made it to cabs. We got to the airport with decent time left. This was when I was getting really excited because I could not think past the review. However, we finished the review, so I was ready for Zurich. We ended up having time to eat a bit before our flight, and it was nice to be able to chill out since I haven’t been able to in a while. Overall, things went well. We got up in the air; we are currently sitting in a Starbucks with some tea and coffee. It is much cheaper here. For future students, I would probably suggest not to make a flight so close to a review. It is more stress than one needs.

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